O G F B H Ch(2 / 2)
how ighty ro her fiat hurl&039;d
resistless o&039;er a bog world,
and, kder than they did desire,
polish&039;d ankd with sword and fire;
with uch, too tedio to rete,
of ancient and of odern date,
but endg still, how billy pitt
(uncky boy!) with wicked wit,
has gagg&039;d old brita, dra&039;d her ffer,
as butchers bd and bleed a heifer,
th wily reynard by degrees,
kennel listeng at his ease,
suck&039;d a ighty stock of knowled,
as uch as folks at a lle;
knew brita&039;s rights and nstitution,
her aggrandisent, diution,
how fortune wrought good fro evil;
let no an, then, despise the devil,
as who should say, &039;i never can need hi,&039;
sce we to sundrels owe our freedo